--> Thus Sayeth The Hellhounds
Random Quotes from the HMC Board

"Hey maybe we can form a club... the patheitc uninspired web vixens? our motto could be whatever.....as long as I do not have to do it..."

"I am the new Goddess of Procrastination. All worship me."

"Procrastinating and watching strictly ballroom. I wonder if we were seperated at birth."

"Why yes I do have a rather nice bottom....."

"Just think of this thread as a limbo. . . we want to see "how low we can go"!"

"My logical, thinking-about-it-seriously answer would be Spike. My damn-I'd-like-to-see that answer would be Cordy."

"Well since SMG is out....I'd want Eliza as Faith and Amy as Illyria....oh god....hot...mental... image. --It'd be a great show."

"The Earth is now officially doomed. As it was prophesized The Great Leader would go by the name of One Who Is Called Matt and would lead the board into hell. Or possibly cause some mild confusion."

"You're making my brain hurt."

"But it's a slippery slope. . . . First the name change, then what? A Sex change? Will you become the site goddess?"

"I feel so violated....and I think I kinda liked it...."

"Does this mean I will have to change my double T's to a C to balance the universe? Cause Facony just doesn't sit right with me..."

"Today will be chicken enchilladas, rice and beans and chips and salsa....I should have heartburn in about 45 minutes."

"Awesome. Amazing how much HMC has grown over the last 2 years. It just used to be abbreviated to HC, no 'M', in the olden days. LMAO olden days. I sound like I'm about 102."

"You MOON someone with your bare nekkid heiny."

"Killing People for No Good Reason.....Is more fun than most people realize..."

"Alpha clear! Candy is in the bag, I repeat, candy is in the bag! Get out of the henhouse NOW!"

"Phallic symbol, yes. Horse?"

"As Nora's wife I can assure you she does have a very pinchable ass."

"Okay.....I'm gonna get lynched for this....but there's a hint of connor to matts features....just at certain angles....but it's definately there!"

"That explains why you're only in your underwear."

"Thought that said, BOOZEHOUND...I was gonna get the fighting gloves on and fight her for the title....but nevermind."

"Do you need me to lock you up in a mental institution?"

"You can keep your riches in my sexy vault if you give me gold and fire."